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    There's an interview in the first "Trekkies" movie in which Doohan tells the story of how he intervened with a…
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  • Bush came to power in 2000 by the tained margin of a handful of votes, having run a campaign posing…
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  • Has anybody been reminded of something else when reading Hersh's list of interventions in the Iraqi elections, like voter intimidation…
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  • It's happening everywhere.  Mt.Everest and the Himilayas, Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa (pardon the uncertain spelling), Glacier National Park in the…
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  • It could all be a whole lot simpler.  The White House probably has a better idea of how far the…
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  • This is more like it.  This and other pieces tying Cheney and the neocons to this emerging scandal.  This is…
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  • You're welcome. Here's the page on Soul of Star Trek that has some 1960s context for the original series:  http://soulofstartrek.blogspot.com/2005_06_05_soulofstartrek_archive.html…
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  • This is more like it: the chain of evidence is leading to Cheney and his neocon thugs.  If this was…
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  • On topic: of skirts, the miniskirt was "invented" in 1965 or so, and when Star Trek started in 1966, it…
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  • Fascinating.  If you liked the original series for this, you'll love The Next Generation. As a doctor, and a single…
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  • You may be right, but I'm not coming up with any examples of a political aide leaving the White House…
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  • Thinking along these lines---of what actually might have happened, or at least what Rove's people can eventually say happened with…
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  • well, I see we're all hyped up here but simply getting rid of Rove seems like not much of a…
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  • Good so far, but the strategy must include the outcome demanded.   Because it's not unprecedented for a top White…
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  • Maybe there's some work for him in Karl Rove's office.
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  • That's a very perceptive comment about rehab and stigma.  This is getting to be even more of a stimatizing culture,…
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  • This piece of writing is based on a conceit: if every church says or implies it has sole possession of…
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  • Seems to me there's still some key information missing.  But if I were plotting this for a novel, I'd see…
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  • It was not my intention to mock anyone's faith or spirituality.  But do feel free to mock mine.
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  • This is interesting, because it's part of the pattern.  Right wing organizations as well as conservative Christian churches are very…
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