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    Since the post is crossposted, so is this comment, though I'll mess with it a bit since I like this…
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  • Why did Bush say it?  Among the possibilities: It is his standard statement on the matter, he's said it before,…
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  • And thanks to both of you for saying nice things about my diary, which got frontpaged over at the Euro…
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  • Join the rest of the civilized world and enact universal health care in the US. Join the rest of the…
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  • Exactly right, Susan. Neuroscientists are among those who believe that story is so basic to how humans function that it…
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  • This is one reason that real election reform must be one of the top five issues, maybe even one of…
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  • This study is a good kick in the pants to science managers who probably believe they've solved the problem.  Because…
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  • I posted this in the earlier vigil thread but it's worth repeating.  A speaker at the vigil last night here…
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  • Why do people go on TV "talk" shows where they know they are going to be humiliated?  This society lives…
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  • Somewhere around 200, maybe 250, gathered on the Arcata, CA plaza. There was another vigil in Eureka, six miles or…
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  • The equal pay issue has the most potential for stirring popular interest in the hearings, in my view.  Many women…
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  • For those in the west where it's still late afternoon I suggest that people take this with them to the…
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  • You know, I think we should take him at his word and be concerned about poverty ourselves, and concerned to…
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  • Thanks.  Here's the link, but the whole article is available only to Nation online subscribers, which is why I didn't…
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  • I don't know how Charles Krauthammer being in a wheelchair is relevant, but he's disingenuous to say the least on…
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  • Good catch on the Houston Post article revealing Barton's oilopoly funding source.  This is McCarthyist tactics but it may have…
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  • Thanks.  Wish I'd thought of this--I could have called it the Tipping Point Jar.
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  • Rats--I hit the wrong button, I wasn't ready to post that.  Here's the point I want to add: It's also…
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  • It's good for different points of view of individuals and groups with the same general goals to be vigorously expressed,…
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  • Sorry, but the problems may not be insurrmountable--if we begin to face them.  The sooner the better.
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