
    I have a coffee habit - one cup a day, but I'm thinking of getting an electric conical burr grinder…
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  • I'm so glad you are still on top of your game, and not succumbing to the existential dread we all…
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  • Very good to read you again, Nancy.
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  • Thank you, Nancy. I linked to you often on FB when you and Martin were gracing WMPA's pages - a…
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  • What would be your opinion in the event she is overruled by MVP Harris?
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  • As far as Trump's influence goes, we don't really know how many courtrooms he's headed for or when.
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  • Come back tanned, rested, and ready. You're one of the best at bringing out the important points about the important…
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  • I took up the sport in the mid-50s, checked books out of the Wichita Falls Kemp Public Library (great library),…
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  • "There is a tide in the affairs of men ..." I'm 73. I can hope to see that what has…
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