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    I like it.  President Feingold appoints Kerry as SecState.  After Feingold's 2 terms are up, Kerry runs, wins, and then…
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  • I agree Alice.  I think we get caught up too often in the difference between who makes a good candidate…
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  • I love V.  I've probably watched the DVD 5 times since I bought it. I just saw Crash about a…
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  • Favorite movie of all time is probably the Lord of the Rings trilogy (which not coincidentally I'd also list as…
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  • Today is the 10th anniversary of the death of Tupac Shakur.  I was going to do a diary on it,…
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  • Very, very early results courtesy of Markos: Rhode Island GOP Senate 17 precincts out of 515 -- 3.30%    …
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  • Wow tampopo, your memory amazes me!
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  • Thanks olivia!  I'll have to go through the archives and narrow it down to the best of the best if…
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  • That.  Just.  Might.  Work.
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  • I really wanted to participate in last year's, but was out of town, so hell yeah I'm in for this…
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  • Sorry DD.  There's going to be a whole lot more of both of these this year. Oh, and GO BLUE!!…
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  • I mostly agree with you, but I think Washington only beats Minnesota if Portis plays, and that the NY Football…
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  • You're going to be surprised by Chester Taylor.  Baltimore should have kept him and let Jamal Lewis go. Their offense…
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  • Or if you do bonuses for 100 yard rushing games. I have a friend who plays in a league where…
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  • Nah, all the third parties do too.  Otherwise they'd do us all a favor and start referring to themselves as…
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  • Thanks, and please use them as much as possible 🙂
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  • That would have gotten my vote.
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  • on MSNBC. Anyone else notice what answer is conveniently missing?
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  • Those who would deem those statements naive are unable to imagine a world that is better than it has been…
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  • Great piece, Steven. I just returned from those beloved Colorado mountains of yours.  It is so beautiful out there.  …
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