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    Thanks for posting this here, I'm glad to be aware of it.  One of the things that drew me to…
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  • Thanks ManEe.  And thanks for putting the project together, it is a fantastic idea, and one that I hope we…
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  • and please video tape it and post it on YouTube.  I bet that would be the top featured video within…
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  • Salim and Adama are names and a story that I made up, but are based on this part of this…
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  • and welcome to your well-deserved spot on the front page!
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  • I wanted to say I really appreciate the work you do, here, at dKos, and especially on the ground.  You're…
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  • That is an interesting possibility.  I guess we'll see if the pendulum is ready to begin the swing back towards…
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  • I think that IndyScott over at dKos nailed the Wednesday headline in this predictions thread:I Expect One Of These Two:…
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  • Who you would think would be upset about losing the SuperBowl, until you find out that he led my team…
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  • And thanks for the link to Project Implicit.  Veeeeery Eeeenteresting.  So far, I've done two of the tests.  Apparently I…
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  • That's actually the same lineup that I saw when they were in Michigan!  Gotta admit, the guy who is singing…
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  • on a humorous note, the title of your diary immediately called to mind this picture that a friend of mine…
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  • I just saw Tesla live in concert about 2 weeks ago, so of course I had to vote for 'Love…
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  • Yeah, I got rear ended last week.  It wasn't too serious but he had a truck and I have a…
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  • I am pretty sure I can make it.  My car is in the shop right now, but they are supposed…
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  • It appears our Department of Defense completed the transition to Department of Offense well before 9/11/01.
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  • If Joe loses the primary and wins as an independent, do you think it is possible he might caucus with…
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  • I am not 'assuming' anything.  I am merely pointing out what someone would need to do from a technical standpoint,…
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  • What in the hell else can we do? Effective Counter Attack; Consideration or Implosion? Two off my hotlist.
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