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    It's been a long time since I've felt so gut-punched regarding a developing national news story.  Maybe since Katrina?  That's…
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  • Coincidentally, if you do a google image search, the more disgusting visual comes up first:  
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  • He's probably just in a sympathetic mood today.  I have them sometimes too.  He'll get over it.
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  • I couldn't agree more. In fact, I think we should start a new google bomb campaign in Savage's honor, so…
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  • Exactly.  These assholes made dirty tricks and lowering the level of discourse into an institution, and they bitch when one…
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  • Amnesty International has a page with phone numbers and emails you can send.  I've been trying to get through on…
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  • Obama saying that we have to tax rich people in order to begin to pay off our deficit is 'class…
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  • Perhaps the most talented musical artist of my generation.  Great song, great voice.  I wish I could play it half…
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  • I have two email addresses for you - both gmail.  Does it matter which I use?  One is your company,…
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  • I got an error in google chrome the first time, but for some reason I was able to see it…
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  • Does that mean "I like the idea and want someone to help me out with it" or "I'm on the…
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  • Hey, that's a great idea! BooMan, it actually looks pretty easy to get that set up.  What do you think?
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  • I'm going to be pretty swamped at work until mid-October (we have a conference then), but after that I could…
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  • Sent you a little somethin-somethin. I am sure you spend a lot of time thinking about this, but do you…
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  • OK, now that's funny.  But I really wish I hadn't read it while eating.
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  • If there is a show that I want to watch, I'll generally DVR it and watch it later.  Why spend…
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  • I guess I don't disagree with that.  Or your larger point that it's not really about what he did, but…
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  • That an ambassador has a low opinion of a head of state's wife, not so much. Manning gave us all…
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  • Well, I wasn't really forgetting it so much as ruing it.   I'd also argue it isn't really limited to…
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  • I'm sure you're right.  Which is of course a shame on two accounts, as it's besmirching Glen Rice's name and…
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