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    Well yeah, but the crack dealer won't make you buy a $1000 pipe for $100 in free crack.
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  • Indianadem shall be along to sympathize (or administer your lashings) shortly.
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  • What's the difference between Apple and a crack dealer?A crack dealer will give you the first hit free? (sorry, I…
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  • Actually, it's long been my assessment that he feeds off of hatred and anger.  Like a dark Jedi.   If…
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  • I'm not even going to ask how far you had to walk to school, and at what angle of inclination…
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  • This is what I went through high school and college with.  Oh, memories.
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  • One of my professors in college told us almost the exact same stories - so I'd guess you guys are…
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  • Yeah, I hate going back and forth too - but I'd say 98% of the time my hand isn't on…
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  • Guess I'm in the opposite boat - I never took autoshop, but after 11 years of owning a Jetta there…
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  • Your keyboards don't have the bumps on the 'F' and 'J'?  That's how I find my place.
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  • You have the same birthday as my grandpa, aka the greatest man I've ever known.  He's 87 years old, his…
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  • I'd guess I'm a bit younger than you, but had the same thing in typing class (though it was called…
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  • Glad you're back up and running!  And at least the timing wasn't so bad - think how much more inconvenient…
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  • Haha - just read this:"Of course she was saying it in jest," Alice Stewart, spokesperson for Bachmann's campaign, said.I honestly…
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  • I don't disagree that there are a lot of people who are unable to exercise reason and good judgment.  And…
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  • I really wish that more people could take a moment when they're in the voting booth to remove themselves from…
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  • Well, you could be posting from your smartphone 🙂
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  • Good luck to you and the rest of our East Coasters.  I'm sure you'll all pull through just fine, though…
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  • Maybe, but I'd rather people be over prepared than under prepared.  This is the strange case where hype could save…
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  • Also, good on you BooMan for linking to Dr. Masters' blog.  I don't know if you've read him habitually or…
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