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    Fortunately this guy is tracking the earthquake's devastation on his blog. (and yeah, I know it's from last year, but…
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  • This is what happens when you cultivate the Stupid for decades and then weaponize it.Exactly.  I don't understand why any…
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  • I'm sure someone has already done this, but figured I might as well spare the 3 minutes.  As you can…
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  • Nobody is saying you weren't 🙂
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  • In case anyone is confused by the various spellings.  This should help clear it all right up.
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  • Well, I was kind of assuming you'd have to buy a new computer anyway.  This way, if I were to…
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  • Actually if the power connector is the only thing wrong, and the computer appears to work properly otherwise, I think…
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  • I disagree.  I think by and large the Republican party prefers strength of conviction over honesty.
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  • Most computers can, surprisingly, survive getting wet -  as long as it isn't salt water.  But its important to let…
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  • Yes, but you and I both know that in the right wing brain, flip-flopping is a much worse offense than…
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  • So basically we can say that she was for taxes before she was against them.
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  • And then, someday, you will die friendless, an empty shell of a man. Everyone always seems to forget that part.…
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  • But I learned how to build relationships with people AT college.  So now your comment leaves me confused 🙂
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  • Great article, Steven. I don't consider myself a fundamentalist about very many things, but I do believe this with every…
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  • Well if we're counting guys too old, I bet George H.W. Bush could beat any of the current crop.  Of…
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  • I thought this sounded a little familiar.
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  • It's actually pretty fascinating when you think about it.  The very idea that everyone's best interests (long term) are in…
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  • Yep.  The way I see it, there are only 2 possible long term outcomes here.  Either the whole thing collapses,…
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  • Yeah, you're right, but that word just sounds so wrong in this context.
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  • Beauty?
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