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    What metric are they using for that?  It wasn't the biggest point or percentage loss based on the DJIA.
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  • I'm not reading BooMan as endorsing this action OR saying it's rational.  My interpretation is that he's saying whether or…
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  • I never thought I'd miss the good old days of the vast right wing conspiracy, but I do.  At least…
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  • I'm going to have to wait until the middle of the month again, but I'll send something your way then.…
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  • If these people really think prayer can solve our problems, I wish they'd go all in and spend all their…
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  • I think what parvenu meant (and if not, well, it's something I think anyway) is that Republican policy is generally…
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  • You've been on fire lately.   Keep up the good work.
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  • The GOP forces bad choices on us and then we blame ourselves for the result.I wish I could give you…
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  • What kind of car?  Usually a timing belt is something you can replace yourself.  Unless there is something else wrong…
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  • Actually we should take action and take to our beds - liberals are being outbred at an astounding rate.  We…
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  • I am really hoping the Braves make a move and get either BJ Upton or Michael Bourn.   As long…
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  • Obviously BooMan engineered this debt crisis in order to drive readership.  It also explains how he has been so correct…
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  • I'd hardly even call it exercise!  (thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night, and don't forget to tip…
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  • I know right?  I WANT DINOSAURS!!
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  • Yeah but this isn't physics.  By that theory the population of dinosaurs in the world should have increased at some…
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  • I'm not anywhere near a teevee so I can't hear the talking heads, but I'd say Obama has some pretty…
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  • I'm a Democrat because the party is the only institution in existence that can stop the Republicans from creating a…
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  • I used to think that way too, but I don't anymore.  What that theory doesn't take into account is that…
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  • You'd be better off giving your money to poor people who need it to eat. Like BooMan, for example ;)…
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  • I disagree with your assessment of Microsoft vs. Apple, but agree with your overall point of it being shitty that…
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