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    Good luck sjct!  It sounds like you're very prepared, and know what you're in for.  I'm confident you'll be fine,…
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  • I was down there for Alicia too - in Port Arthur.  I was only 5, but I still remember it.…
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  • At least he didn't make fun of your patio furniture.
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  • Well in fairness, I responded after the first self-response.  It was quite funny at that point because I thought it…
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  • Not gonna lie, this response to your own response definitely made me laugh out loud.
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  • Y'all seem to think that one has to be somehow inebriated to see what LFA is seeing?No, I'm saying that…
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  • None of us create our own reality.  No man is an island, yada yada yada. As a group, we do…
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  • I think the more interesting question is "does it matter if it's true?"
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  • At lease you're worried about the face smacking and not the linux learning.  There may be hope for you yet.
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  • Agreed, won't miss the dvd drive If he leaves it out on the patio again, I will drive out there,…
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  • Except that the baker has a credit card, so he gets a suit AND a window, the glassmaker gets some…
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  • I'll have what you're having.
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  • His verbosity is what initially drew me to him - I used to have a job that had some very…
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  • If you don't read it already, Jeff Masters' blog is a great resource for tropical storm / hurricane activity.  He…
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  • That was pretty much my thought as well.  Nobody is going to sign an unjuiced Barry Bonds.
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  • I don't know if you read Bill Simmons (aka the Sports Guy), Geov, but I got a kick out of…
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  • For those on the east coast, remember that the winds and rain are only part of the danger - if…
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  • And the only threat she poses is to other candidates who are relying on her know-nothing constituency.So she'll be a…
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  • And perhaps even better.
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