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    Spot on 🙂  My work situation is actually pretty sweet, and of course the paychecks are nice.  It's good to…
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  • The Dry Tortugas were great.  I spent 3 days camping there, and because of the timing, I had the place…
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  • You are correct!  Wow, great memory 🙂
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  • Thanks olivia - I've returned to the working world and am back in front of a computer all day, hence…
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  • Ann Arbor will always be a hotbed of activity, I think.  There's a stable base of progressive voices who permanently…
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  • Right? I also like how they had to put '(Satire)' in the title so that all the dittoheads out there…
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  • Hey Booman, it's almost like Larry Beinhart took your casual observation and ran with it!
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  • I had to check for myself to see if you were just making a funny.  You are not. I am…
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  • Well, I spent a lot more of my time recently hiking than I did beach going.  But I dug a…
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  • And "I met the President" is still a good thing to have coursing through the personal networks of people who…
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  • Indeed, the last one is Macchu Picchu!  I had some caption text for it but apparently missed that on the…
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  • Good to see you too, NDD.  I actually just referred back to one of your old diaries a couple of…
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  • Wow, great photos Bob!  Where did you take the 2nd one from the bottom?  That's amazing!
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  • mountain and a cloudless sky reflecting in a salty lake, Torres del Paine, Chile (2011) clouds and the sun hitting…
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  • a rainbow, Koke'e State Park, Kauai, Hawaii (2009) camping above the clouds in one of the most magical places I've…
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  • reflections in the water, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado (2006) low foggy clouds hiding in the ridges, Yellow Mountain, China…
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  • Hey all!  Been awhile since I've stopped in for some foto flogging, I'm glad to see the tradition is still…
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  • I understand your point CJ, but you're setting up a false equivalency.  Counting the number of troops is a relatively…
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  • Several lawmakers are still determining whether it is worth their time to stay in Washington to hear the president, and…
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  • I brought this possibility up little while back and TarheelDem said he wasn't interested.  
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