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    I don't remember where I read it yesterday, but I stumbled on a great phrase.  It was something along the…
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  • We could just follow Gravelmania to the Libertarian Party. After all, a party without Gravelmania is a party not worth…
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  • Yeah, it's just a dream.  I don't think it will ever happen.  Though it would, at this point, be both…
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  • I couldn't make it past the title. 'Unconvincing' is such a subjective term.  If I wanted someone to tell me…
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  • Heh, I missed it too when it happened...But thankfully CNN keeps their exit poll data online more or less permanently…
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  • Duh.  Of course you're right.  Thanks. Sometimes you get so close to the trees you can't see the forest.
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  • I really don't have an answer.  Women came out in droves (58-42 women to men) which nearly matches the results,…
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  • You're right.  Must be a Republican superdelegate.
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  • I am a sucker for stories of redemption.  I know Hillary can never fully redeem herself in the eyes of…
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  • LOL. In that same vein, rumors are she won't concede until we hear from the last superdelegate.
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  • I don't disagree with you.  I was just offering up my cynical summary of why they are currently "necessary" (purposely…
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  • Bubbles are fundamental to the well being of the upper echelon.  Blow up profits through overvaluation, reap massive profits, and…
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  • Go hiking for a couple days.  Take a travel flask if need be.
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  • Or what about 'Commander Freedom N. Democracy'?  Who could vote against that?
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  • I think less time should be spent talking about the stupid horse race and more time should be spent on…
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  • Of course both of them have requirements.  Everyone has requirements.  Why else would you endorse somebody?  If you don't have…
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  • Bingo.  Like Joe Biden said (quoting his dad): show me your budget, and I'll show you what you value.  Don't…
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  • But if Obama hasn't met whatever requirement Edwards has for an endorsement, then there is no reason for him to…
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  • Good point.  I really don't understand the complete media silence by Edwards. Maybe he figured any statement he made would…
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  • Yep.  I have to think Edwards liked what he heard in Obama's big speech on race earlier this week:Just as…
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