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    Certainly not the first time we've done that 🙂
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  • Sorry, I meant the original, not the apology. btw, I'd like to commend you and all of the front pagers…
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  • Why not post as a diary instead of a front page article?
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  • But of course 🙂
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  • Awesome dada.  Have fun with it!  Maybe we'll have to kick-start another FotoFair later this year.
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  • I hear you. My unsolicited advice to everyone : Get some rest.  Don't read the news for at least a…
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  • AP: Obama clinches Democratic nomination
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  • One clarification, it wasn't that he didn't request that write in votes for him be counted, it was that he…
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  • It's because it's all they know how to do, and the drive to win is consuming. It doesn't matter that…
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  • No need to be sensitive, SN.  Education can't teach wisdom, and you have that in spades 🙂
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  • I really enjoy backpacking and hiking, so over the summer I have a few 1-2 week trips planned, including the…
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  • White.  Mostly German and French heritage, with a splash of English and Scotch-Irish. Male Heterosexual Never married but in a…
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  • Just wanted to make sure.  I was hoping that it wasn't some specially bred cat set to take over duties…
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  • What's an ass kitten?
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  • Welcome back my friend.  As others have said, it is indeed a pleasure to read your words here once more!
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  • Well, Ron Paul may have libertarian ideas but he is still officially a Republican. According to OnTheIssues, the Libertarian party…
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  • Sweet, an anti-abortion libertarian.   Ahh, the stupid, it burns!!
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  • I think you mean 'wonk' instead of 'wank' but there does seem to be a high degree of crossover these…
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  • Bob Barr graduated from high school in Tehran?  Oooh, I can't wait to see what fun the Republicans have with…
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  • Thanks SN.  It's hard to believe it's been over 8 years now.
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