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    I completely agree.  I think it's because their hatred of McCain is hilarious and their hatred of immigrants is disturbing.
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  • Sometimes they get creative! Ugh.  I have to go and wash off the stupid now.  Back in a few.
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  • The Freepers are not pleased.We have been abandoned by our party. I am starting a movement....go to the polls and…
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  • Any idea who the 3rd party challenge from the right is going to be?
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  • How about : "John McCain : Snuggly with dictators"
  •  View post
  • If, as I expect, John McCain is the Republican nominee it will be interesting to see how he uses Bush.…
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  • The number is now over $7 million since polls closed on Super Fat Tuesday. Staggering.
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  • Clinically insane.
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  • I have a couple of ideas, but admittedly no solid plan. If it came down to it, I think I…
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  • #16 ejmw expatriates
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  • It annoyed the crap out of me that they listed the states as hers on the map. I live in…
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  • You'd think after all these years they might have learned something.
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  • Right now I feel like I could fast for 40 days.  I'm sure that will change in the morning ;)…
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  • I have no idea, but I just got home from a Super Fat Tuesday party and wanted to say good…
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  • Clinton is still under a tornado warning. link As much fun as it is to make jokes about, I hope…
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  • CNN just reported on the teevee that a tornado just hit Clinton, Arkansas. An omen of things to come?
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  • Yup.  It's a caucus state...apparently St. McCain's supporters, upon seeing that they were not enough, threw their support to Huckajesus…
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  • MSNBC breaking news banner says they're calling the West Virginia race for Huckajesus.
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  • If I had my way President Elizabeth Edwards would appoint Russ Feingold to SCOTUS.
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  • I think it's a moot point, because that question won't come up. For McCain it might, because he's ancient.  But…
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