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    Yes.  In all honesty, that was the first thing that popped into my head during whatever the last debate highlight…
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  • I am totally recording the next debate on my computer and doing this.  I'll post youtube links here if I…
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  • There is no chin behind Wolf Blitzer's beard.  There is only a blathering idiot.
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  • Heh, great minds think alike 😉
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  • I know it's part of the process now, but they should really just agree to a cease fire on the…
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  • This is getting messy.  I'm switching back to Pistons / Magic.
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  • Yup.  Ditto.
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  • Edwards just put the smack down on the debate format and the other 2 candidates in one fell swoop. Kick.…
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  • <crickets>
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  • I feel like CNN should be using some of the old batman graphics and noises during some of these exchanges.…
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  • They all look like they're caked in make-up to me.  It's even worse than the sports pundits on SportsCenter, who…
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  • Yeah, I hear you.  And I share your frustration. I think most of American electoral politics has gotten to the…
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  • Reading what you wrote, it occurs to me that my hope that anyone will be held accountable for what has…
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  • I think you're right.  Have you looked through the CREW reports yet? (link) I've only skimmed two of them, but…
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  • I can't believe I'm the only one voting for Mitt.  Come on!  Nobody else has the juicy Massachusetts flip-flopper record…
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  • Fred Thompson? Sorry.  That joke practically made itself! Are you thinking Bloomberg gets in on the Repub action, or someone…
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  • Honestly, at this point I will be shocked if McCain is not the Republican nominee.  Everyone else has at least…
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  • Obviously they didn't check snopes too carefully...Claim : Illinois Senator Barack Obama is a "radical muslim" who "will not recite…
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  • IF she wins the nomination, I will still vote for her. I won't like it, but I am not about…
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  • Good point. Since I'm hoping for a Green Bay / New England Super Bowl, I'll root for the Giants tonight…
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