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    I just woke up...and I still need to go get coffee.  I guess I'm going to have to record this.
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  • that killed me and was even better than the video like this I had fantasized back in march before clinton…
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  • I'm sorry, but that's straight up nutjobby yabber, for reals.
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  • Geeking out on LOST.
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  • The Home section in the LA Times is often worth a laugh read and tonight's the season finale for Lost,…
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  • This is kind of strange.  The Bible is one of our holy books, so one one hand there's no need…
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  • I'd be all over it...I really should have stuck out for a 2 bathroom place.  Even an extra toilet...sigh.
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  • I have all kinds of wonderfully horrid things I want to write about fecal matter and McClellan's mouth, but I'll…
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  • I'm faboomama on twitter and seesmic.
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  • I'm officially a seesmic addict.  Oh and I got a twitter account...I don't do much with it, but my seesmic…
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  • You got a camera in my house? 🙂
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  • I can wish some money into your PayPal, but I've been trying to wish money into mine for the past…
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  • He's a grown fucking man and he's still not taking responsibility for his actions.  He paints himself as this bucket…
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  • You're right...What the hell was I thinking?
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  • Someone posted this vignette on GOP recruiting.
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  • Remember back at the beginning of May, the GOP Senators had to spend Mothers's Day weekend explaining to constituents why…
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  • I walked around the corner to my hyperlocal carniceria and got some marinated flank steak and short ribs.  Now, I'm…
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  • We're going to be doing some carne asada, if we can find some, or maybe the marinated chicken from the…
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  • MSNBC has a pretty interesting article on the people behind Obama's campaign.
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  • For the first positive review of the Indiana Jones movie I've stumbled upon (I'm not actively looking for reviews, since…
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