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    When was the last time we had a president who could give a speech without prepared text?  I'm 35 and…
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  • I liked what I saw and got an account.  
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  • You can check this video and just be stunned.  Imagine if Matthews had done that back in '02 and '03…
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  • Why do they hate clothing?  As a wearer and buyer of clothes, that was offensive.
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  • I would have thought it closer to 85%.  They're talking widening streets and freeways to allow for more traffic, but…
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  • I hope they send...
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  • Not only do I know most of the people who blog over at Calitics, but they do a wonderful job…
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  • That's sad.  One of my most favorite memories is taking the train from KC to LA...well, Pomona, but close enough.…
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  • I've been hearing about high speed rail across the desert.  Imagine getting to Palm Springs in 45 minutes or Vegas…
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  • A train ticket from LA to SF can cost me alone the price of flying last minute.  The flight is…
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  • Yep.  Your comment is 100% nonsense.   So Booman is responsible for the actions of people who post on DK?…
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  • I, for one, don't give two shits what Elizabeth Edwards thinks or says.  Why?  When has she held an office?…
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  • You know...I've about done with my reps.  I've been writing and calling their offices.  The line I get is either…
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  • Looks like he was rifling through your old posts and came up with something "original".  From his brand spanking new…
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  • The Clinton's and their surrogates were touting an 80% win tonight.  What happened?
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  • They're hopping on the bandwagon and trying to create some coattails.  After being basically sidelined to spectators, these self-appointed Gate…
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  • I can't wait for those people to go the way of the mastadon.  Why should we be beholden to these…
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  • Me and some friends determined that back in October.  We could not figure out Clinton's cause.  Back then it was…
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  • But you've been 95% wrong on everything this primary season.  Trying to make it 96%? 🙂
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  • Just like I love Robot Chicken, but wouldn't let my kids watch it.  
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