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    Definitely comic strips are better now than before.  People still get all crybaby about some of the strips, but is…
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  • Cartoons nowadays are all seizure inducing barforamamas, IMO.  My kids prefer to watch Thundarr, Scooby-Doo, Tom & Jerry or Thundercats.…
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  • A few sentences got deleted.  The first sentence in the last paragraph should read: Does this mean we can expect…
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  • I got the email about how evil Obama was for saying "lost his bearings".  I had to laugh because that's…
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  • The thing that sticks out is the mention that Obama was there last month and the diarist noted the early…
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  • That's what it is...when I saw her photo, I kept thinking merry-go-round and couldn't figure out why.  A friend of…
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  • Fuck Armstrong.  The same person who's using 1960 at a benchmark for W. Va is the same fucking asshole who…
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  • Talk about a pre-9/11 mindset.
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  • And quite honestly, with the exception of Jerome and SusanHu, I'm not at all surprised to see the other bloggers…
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  • It's a good thing I read the comments first because she wrote exactly what I was going to.   I…
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  • We use this system called Inka-Vote or Inka-Dot and it's basically a scantron or old-time punch card.  There's no space…
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  • When have Republicans ever cared about looking ridiculous?  I can't remember that time.  Still, even if they quote Hillary, will…
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  • How are either her or Bill going to campaign in Harlem this time around and be taken seriously? The strong…
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  • I thought that Miller had the "testicular fortitude" to come out and endorse Obama before the election.  It was sad…
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  • And it makes even happier to know that Edwards wouldn't be the VP and have to try to get word…
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  • If you go into any forum of any news site, I guarantee you'll find more than just two dumb white…
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  • Where a person loses their job just because they change genders, no matter that they were qualified for it before.
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  • Too bad for the Pasco County School System that...
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  • We got a check today for some work we did in 2006.  You read that right, 2006.  It's taken almost…
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  • Congrats and good luck on in improving your situation.  I wondered if it was your ad, as the writing sounded…
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