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    3.) Negotiate the deal before the end of the primary season and before anyone hits the magic number, which is…
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  • The whole point of the post is how wrongheaded and pointless adding Clinton to the ticket would be. Despite the…
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  • Wolfson said it was split among 3 days: April 21, May 1 and May 5th: "Senator Clinton gave the campaign…
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  • You forgot to add on the $24M she only disclosed as "income over $1000".  
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  • WaPo has a quote from a Clinton campaign insider that just pissed me off so much last night when I…
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  • Clinton is slated to win those, so just for Obama's sake, I think she should stay in an win them.…
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  • I could make excuses about how filled up my Saturdays are for the next 3 months, but I'm really no…
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  • Sorry, man.
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  • On my computer in the living room.  When she finally bows out, I'm going to blast that bad boy.  Then…
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  • You so punny.
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  • Posted the same thing Take a bow, the night is over This masquerade is getting older Light are low, the…
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  • Seems to be the only person who's actually watched the race and didn't think of Clinton as a friend, but…
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  • Now this is a nailbiter!  I'm still expecting Obama to lose, but what a race!
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  • I think that's an Official Abuse of the Letter 'Y'.
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  • Twice in one night Matthews made sense and in less than an hour?  His medication must be either kicking in…
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  • Obama got like 20K votes in a heartbeat.
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  • I thought I had choked on a fishbone from dinner and had died.  Matthews whining about having to talk about…
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  • I've been stretching so's I can push them off.  ;P
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  • It seemed that they watched Obama's speech, did the "oh shit!" dance and changed her speech to match.  So there…
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  • Whoever designed those placards should have their fingers cut off and given a restraining order that keeps them 5,000,000 miles…
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