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    Since she and her surrogates are giving out this line, I'm wondering if this was dog whistle to her non-bitter…
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  • This makes it the 3rd time Clinton's alluded to this, but the first time it's been so blatant.  Rep. Tom…
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  • This "earned" bullshit from Bill is really chapping my hide.  If Clinton had bowed out after her 13 straight loses…
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  • Comments like the one you're responding too.  Only because I repeatedly hit my head on my desk too hard trying…
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  • I guess that would make some sort of sense.
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  • It's like a virus or something.  Since I've decided to cut out a lot of people in my life, I…
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  • Strange the Colorado and SoCal has the same weather and it was oddish for both locales.  There was hail here…
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  • That's rough.  I wouldn't be surprise if they'd have to buy a plot of land or use strong-arm tactics to…
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  • I finally finished my 2005 and 2006 taxes.  I have to be doing something wrong though...It saw for 2006 we…
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  • The LA Times messed up their math and have corrected the article.
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  • Is that she's said that about about OH, PA and WV, too. She's like that smarmy guy in movies who…
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  • I can't believe her supporters were sitting there cheering each time she mentioned one her goalpost moving lines.  
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  • Are the two or three people interviewed who were voting for Clinton because of her husband.  That's bullshit.  That ain't…
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  • Ticker scroll across the bottom of the screen identified Rep. Fossella of NY as a Democrat instead of a Republican.
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  • That's actually kind of surprising to me.  It seems like such a "duh" thing to do.  That's depressing.
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  • When I saw the first memo, I was like, "No one can be that dumb."  And yet, her supporters are…
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  • This morning, before I woke up, Obama has already released a statement that his visit to Iowa isn't a victory…
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  • He's not going to anyway.  There was never a plan to "declare victory" tomorrow.  
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  • You know, that really wouldn't surprise me at all.
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  • Solis Doyle will be great (wo)manning a registration booth or doing door-to-door.  
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