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    We've learned a few things being married.  He can track all the science stuff, I can track all the political…
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  • Why my husband has gone into radio silence the last 10 minutes.  I'm talking, IMing him, emailing him and nothing.…
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  • I have no interest in watching it.  I have a feeling it's more for people who didn't pay much attention…
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  • And more importantly, I'm running because my husband, former President Bill Clinton, promised me the presidency in 2008.
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  • I think she did that for two reasons: She'd appeal to the pro-war faction of the GOP Wouldn't get caught…
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  • I'm sure Michelle wouldn't have an aide steal recipes from the Food Network to pass off as "family recipes" on…
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  • March 11th, I really didn't want to see or hear another Clinton for as long as I lived.  I just…
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  • But apparently, "the fix is in" and this is all a ploy to get Obama nominated so he can lose.…
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  • I come from a military family.  Just about every male in my parents generation and before served.  Most of them…
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  • I told my husband 3 hours ago, word for word what you'd post.  Time to go to the second set.
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  • I sent the others and the DNC emails back in whenever (Jan.?) when Clinton said something like, "Oh they're comparing…
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  • Jeralyn's evenhanded analysis of how Clinton's dissected and twisted Obama's statements about how people get bitter.   Yeah, me neither.…
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  • Didn't see it above.
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  • For anyone's who's missed it.  You can see it at my blog.
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  • The last part of the part where he laid out everything the media gave her a pass on.  I knew…
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  • Was close to your diary.
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  • Good God.  He laid her bare on that on.  Ending by telling her that she is not fit to be…
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  • Howard Fineman, Jonathan Alter, Doug Brinkley...all of them saying her candidacy, if not her career is over.
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  • And luckily, I didn't need to look up anything.  TIME has it.
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  • If you saw my bookmarks you'd understand...but the first time was in Feb. or beginning of March.  She said, "Something…
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