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    The problem is that it's code for "racist white liberals" when we can all see racist white liberals who make…
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  • Right here.
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  • That could explain the funereal behavior.  Mitchell and Matthews have always taken some psychotic joy in being downright and unnecessarily…
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  • But here's the link too.
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  • There are way too many 'Ls' up there in her name.  You made me slow down on my wine intake…
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  • Only because as I was posting to my blog, I had that song running through my head and I had…
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  • Aren't you just a bit curious about what sort of misleading oppo dump she'll do on Obama in the TX…
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  • It only works with the inevitable winner has a great fall and comes out of the shadows to save the…
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  • That was harsh.  That made me uncomfortable reading it.  And I was pleased to see it make the point I've…
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  • The only states that she won with more than 60% were states that lived in or near.  Other than that…
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  • I was swigging a beer on my way to the bathroom when I heard her say that.  I spew beer…
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  • MSNBC just played a clip of Obama, then a clip of McCain...Man, it remind me of the boss in Office…
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  • According Rep. Jackson Lee, they were just trying to get delegates.  Not win or anything.
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  • It looks like Michelle Malkin Taylor Marsh just may get a job along with all of FDL.
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  • Since, South Carolina, CNN has been counting the delegate totals including pledged delegates and their own superdelegate totals.  It was…
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  • Because MSNBC and CNN both acted like Clinton was the only one running ads in WI.
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  • What's this all about?  I just found this on MSNBC: In a letter to Clinton dated Monday and obtained by…
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  • I've never seen so many black people on TV not talking about drugs, gangs or whatever other boogeyman the media…
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  • That's only with 4% reporting so far.  I can only imagine what the final numbers will look like.
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  • I've noticed Hillary supporters saying that the Clinton campaign urged Republicans to caucus against her.   That makes no sense.…
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