1 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 104


    89% reporting in and here's our numbers so far: Obama    77,432    75%    0 Clinton    24,563    24%    0 Uncommitted    262    0%   
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  • After South Carolina.  She had barely said a word about him and went on.  After that, nothing.  In all fairness,…
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  • You look at both of them and wonder, "Who would I rather give the SOTU every year?"  McCain is my…
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  • He said that Obama's new song should be the theme song to the Golden Girls.  
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  • And since Obama seems to change up his speeches every two weeks it's even sadder because she's using what he…
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  • MSNBC finally cut from her.  On CNN.com, I just switched over the Obama rally where nothing is going on.
  •  View post
  • Oh man, she just lifted a whole section of Obama's speecheds.  Again.
  •  View post
  • Is she running for POTUS or president of Texas?  This is like her FL and TN speeches.  When are they…
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  • I saw that Solis Doyle said she was leaving to spend time with her family, yet she's going to be…
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  • Or is this just another piece of "news" from the Clinton campaign to usurp headlines from Obama's win again like…
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  • That gave me food for thought.  Tasty.
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  • Once again, that he's a moron.  I can't stand that man.
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  • In my former upscale neighborhood, there were 4 Starbucks within walking distance.  The closest one to me now is in…
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  • They're saying only black people drink lattes.  If we can push that meme, then maybe we can some Starbucks in…
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  • I have to digest that.  That's a show stopper right there.  Wow.  Now, I'm crying.  That's a lot to take…
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  • 10 minutes before polls close next week?  
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  • Demonizing Clinton.  Tsk, tsk...
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  • Didn't you see me in Vegas?  Drool.  Flash me some numbers or some blinking lights and I'm done.  
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