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    And damn...why does Steven always posts these long and interesting posts right when polls are closing?
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  • I would have snorted it out of my nose.   We could have lost everything in December but ... hey!!!…
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  • You make a stink to get them to change the channel or turn it off.  I always make a scene…
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  • Despite the fact that some independent voters throughout CA were told that they couldn't vote in the Dem. primary or…
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  • Since I've been sick 4 times in the last 3 months, I definitely feel for you.  Get some rest.
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  • Since Sat., I send an email to MSNBC asking about the air times for the hourlong biopics on the other…
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  • Calling her and her campaign out on their race-baiting is demonizing?  Fine.  I'm cool with that.  Otherwise, your statement is…
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  • But now VA is very interesting to me.  What I posted earlier: Today there was an article titled:  Obama Favored…
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  • As a black female, it's nice to be told that I don't think about my choices, that clearly I'm choosing…
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  • Both MSNBC and CNN are running her ad for free on their so-called blogs.  Hell, MSNBC even provides a transcript!
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  • I know I posted the link yesterday, but B-Serious gives us food for thought in What if the Roles were…
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  • Michael was the actor's name! HAHA...I can't believe I remember it and I wasn't even born when that show was…
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  • That all of Feinstein's bleating and hand-wringing over what the Bush administration was doing, was an act.  Again.
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  • That's should have told how this election was going to play out.  We all know Linc and Julie, but what…
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  • When I was little our cold remedies were raw garlic on toatsted pita bread with some butter.  And this ginger/green…
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  • We make tea with chamomille and other things out in the garden that works as a muscle relaxant and mix…
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  • I also questioned Obama's support among blacks and now they are voting for him in large majorities helping him to…
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  • LOL...I'm so gonna see if my husband would photoshop me that one.
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  • So far. You have to read this.
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  • And singers named Kate.  If shew was a citizen.
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