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    Based on Texas.  It truly is another world there, just like CA is another world (at times) apart from the…
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  • I wasn't aware that Norquist was a Democratic superdelegate.
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  • Even remember that we're in Afghanistan?  When something happens there, it's almost like they do everything to not mention that…
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  • I just entered that into my list of things to look up tomorrow.  Now I don't have to!
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  • What a wonderful story and experience!  You're so lucky to be able to do something like that.  Now, you got…
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  • It's now pratically freezing and I've had to put on shoes AND socks and hoodie.  My goal before the sun…
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  • Are we building schools and ignoring basic hygiene?  There'll be an outbreak of the Plague and everyone in DC will…
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  • That I was forced to slave away over a hot grill to get some dinner.  And then I was thisclose…
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  • I'm mean, like Penn said, "Carter won the nominiation in '80 and Mondale in '84."  So Clinton is right on…
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  • When I read that above, I mentioned it to my husband said the same thing.  These people are looking for…
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  • I guess we can assume that Tapper is regular visitor Talk Left and it's hard to take anyone seriously if…
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  • Then we can definitely say hello to President McInsane.
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  • What the hell are you talking about?
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  • He got a gig as an analcyst analyst.
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  • That because there's a photo of bloggers with Bill Clinton, that that means they love bloggers? If that's the case,…
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  • They would rather see a white woman in the WH than a black man.   HAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow. I thought it…
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  • 😛 This is where hard-nosed faboo mama comes out.   I can't feel too much for people who chose not…
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  • That makes it the 3rd school shooting this week, the 5th public shooting this week.   Why, if everyone was…
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  • Is to strip the states of half their delegates and then split those remaining delegates in half.
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