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    It isn't quite hate radio -- but its getting pretty nasty for a Methodist minister.
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  • thanks. I haven't published anything with them lately, but I am sure I'll get around to it. I haven't been…
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  • In a time of increased media concentration, independent news outlets are increasingly imoportant. In a time of hypernationalism, news organizations…
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  • So little time. Its a good thing CFFC is keeping an eye on all this.
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  • Wel, we look forward to your participation. Here is the site of our temporary blog where we are writing and…
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  • Well, I don't think its the size, although I agree that as BT grows, the influx could change the existing…
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  • It may be in part because BT is young It is certainly still in its formative stages -- but a…
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  • I mentioned in a comment last night, welcoming someone here, that while mcjoan's diary last night over on kos showed…
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  • Hi Catnip. I'm glad you are here and hope you are feeling better soon. As for BooMan, he has been…
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  • oh yeah... and welcome to you and to everyone who is new to BooMan Tribune!
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  • I want to second Oui's point that you are in a different enviroment here. I also say go ahead and…
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  • Like others, I have accepted the simplest definition of feminism as equality and tried to live my life accordingly. Over…
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  • Thank you for your heartfelt and timely diary, Ghostdancers way. The so called pie wars over at the daily kos…
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  • You will find BooMan Tribune to be a far more civil place.  I have been posting here from the beginning.…
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  • There is quite a bit about the Ghost Dance in history in the book "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,"…
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  • sorry. the pendulum, and "swings" thereof, IMHO, is wishful thinking. I find such concepts irrelevant to the urgent political situations…
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  • The pendulum is a myth. I don't believe in it. This is about organization, ideology, resources and the will to…
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  • Its going to take some time for people to get used to the idea that there are theocrats among us.…
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  • It turns out that Limbaugh is also picking on high school students -- and they are fighting back too. Kate…
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  • You betcha. And one way we can express our displeasure is to encourage advertisers on stations that air Rush that…
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