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    That's the one.
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  • I often wonder how it is that a Danish cartoon can lead to such outrage while afaik Jesus and Mo…
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  • Gore committed the blunders that you list, but they weren't all that noticeable until the Media pounded them all into…
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  • How many of these protesters have regular access to the internet?  Egyptian TV aired portions of the trailer on Sep…
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  • Rand Paul isn't irresponsible, he's stupid.  He's proven it time and again.  And, being stupid, he 1) doesn't realize he's…
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  • You're not referring to Kansas, are you?
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  • Oh, great.  You mean he's going to become a contributor to CNN political coverage?  Can't wait.
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  • We have media figures in here?
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  • Well, there goes another keyboard.  And here I'd promised myself not to be sipping beverages at the computer anymore.  
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  • There are known knowns, known unknowns, unknown knowns, unknown unknowns, and then you have your Don Rumsfelds.
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  • Not to mention the constant fascination with having things "shoved down their throats."  It's like they have that phrase tattooed…
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  • That is funny, bc I was wondering if that parenthetical insertion might not exclude him, but ultimately decided that "the…
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  • Netanyahu has Adelson and the Glick gang in Israel pushing the buttons, not in this film. I listed them as…
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  • ...they've probably noticed that within the GOP those who had the courage to challenge the Palin nomination early (but who…
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  • When you look at what we know so far about the man behind the film, it's hard not to feel…
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  • The difference is, in America nobody would target an embassy.  They'd just go after "ethnic types" and take their revenge…
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  • Now it's looking like Jones' involvement was minimal.  But parts of the trailer were aired on Egyptian TV on the…
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  • I find Josh Marshall's take the most sober, accurate, and damning.
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  • Yes, lots of culpability.  But as it all spins 'round, the whole mess seems to be drifting conveniently toward a…
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  • Don't forget the tar and feathers.
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