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    I was only on a 10-minute break between classes anyway, so I was doomed to reruns from the start.  Was…
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  • YouTube must be getting hammered.  I can't get the stream to start.  Guess I'm watching the rerun later.
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  • It'll save America from having to undergo another impeachment farce.
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  • When do we get our freedoms restored? Right after our manufacturing jobs return from their overseas stint, replete with union…
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  • I think you may be mistaking talent for a lack of principles, and a complete absence of shame.
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  • Wouldn't it be great if this campaign had the effect of putting a shiv into the whole notion of "running…
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  • The state level is really all they've got to point at, but that's quite a lot.  It looks like the…
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  • And on the subject of the Grand Bargain, I wonder what all this talk about a "balanced" approach looks like…
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  • I'd argue that the Republicans' dedication to total obstruction had become obvious by the time the budget deal was under…
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  • One thing Reagan didn't have to deal with in either of his terms is a sizable and outspoken domestic terrorist…
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  • If there's a downside to this, it's that there's still over a full month left for the GOP to move…
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  • Forget Booman, how old is that cake?  I could swear I've seen it before... All kidding aside, HB and have…
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  • From Rude Pundit earlier today: "Sad image of the day: Old man on Medicare watching Fox "news," thinking that Romney's…
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  • The way he's conducted himself this week with the protests and embassy attacks, I'm beginning to worry about how Mitt…
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  • Actually Mitt's #1 problem is the GOP's #1 problem, and the reason why they had to settle for such a…
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  • I dunno.  It seems to me that most undecideds in the middle, knowing that they pay taxes if not income…
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  • That's my best guess, too.  Like they're waiting to see how everyone else votes before they make up their minds.…
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  • I think it depends on how widely accepted the 47% meme is.  I don't know how it feels to you…
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  • Mitt's reply:  "Don't touch me!  DON'T TOUCH ME!!"
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  • The first thing Santorum's quote immediately brings to mind is Dan Quayle's "badge of honor" speech at the SBC in…
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