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    This appears to dovetail rather sickeningly with the Netanyahu drive to war with Iran.  A conspiracy-minded person would start noting…
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  • I'll post this once but I'd like to ask you and Seabe both:  what are the chances that the video…
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  • No slack for Romney from me.  For him and Reince Priebus to seize upon this incident as an opportunity to…
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  • Romney, Priebus, and the entire GOP establishment are thoroughly vile, as expected.   The business with Netanyahu is a serious…
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  • I wonder how many non-Americans believe Mitt Romney is "most responsible" for the death of Bin Laden.
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  • You're right, it's "equivalence."  I'm making a lot of uncharacteristic mistakes like that lately.  Probably need to start reading real…
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  • Nah.   I get where you're coming from, and there's a ton of history to address, but whatever else you…
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  • I've always been put off by the pageantry we attach to the day, both for reasons of how the GOP…
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  • I had several sour notes that I noted, but I get what you're saying.  The best I can rationalize it…
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  • But he still perpetuates some of our overreaction to that day. No one party should seek, and neither deserves any…
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  • Romney probably would have pepper sprayed him.
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  • Have you really been banning his various incarnations, or is he just making that up?  I haven't seen anything that…
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  • One thing that really left me flat in the "dreaming big" category was the discussion of energy goals.   First…
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  • Speaking of hyperpatriotism, have Democratic crowds been given to chanting "USA!  USA!" like they were tonight?  It struck me as…
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  • I agree with the general notion that this wasn't PBHO's best speech, but it definitely has its interesting points, and…
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  • Hyperbole, that's exactly what I thought when I heard it.  I was paying attention to other stuff but I had…
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  • 1.  Really?  That's horrible strategy if so.  I personally think that was one of the biggest factors that sank Howard…
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  • "Relief boredom." Love it. You know what I'd like to have seen? although it would be wildly inappropriate at a…
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  • Reminds me of a story I saw this morning. I'd heard that PBHO tends to speak to about an 8th-grade…
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  • We definitely agree about this being the best convention we've ever seen, and I did catch the last one.  Even…
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