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    That's what I mean by "public safety."  Also, note in Booman's post that Brevik may serve a longer sentence if…
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  • The quick answer is that our justice system is based on punishment and revenge as opposed to rehabilitation and public…
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  • This looks to me like a knee-jerk reaction to PBHO's "dog on roof" comment from last week, done hastily, in…
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  • This is your idea of entertainment?  There must be better ways of spending your hard-earned time away from writing paychecks…
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  • It appears to have roused at least one of Romney's troops in this forum.
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  • Name one "vicious personal attack" initiated by Obama.  One.  One.  One.  Name ONE.
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  • As to the "wrinkle," I thought that was the whole reason why "legitimate" was such an offensive term.  It's not…
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  • I can't get over those shirts.  It's like the kids were watching The Sound of Music one day and decided…
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  • I couldn't even make it past the family photo at the top of the story.  What is it about Willard…
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  • Pee Wee had the sense to know when it was time to get out of the spotlight and keep quiet.
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  • Yeah, I didn't think it was going to happen either.  I was surprised they even announced they were going to…
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  • They're not investigating the skinny dipping, it's to do with lobbyist funding of the trip.
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  • I'm clueless as to the legal procedures here, but don't blatant statements like this and that other one from that…
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  • Not to mention, we suck at phony outrage.
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  • Oh no.  When a woman carries on like that, it's a stoning offense.
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  • He's my congressman too.  Apparently he  used to run the Falls Creek camp.  I've never been there but it had…
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  • Now, if it had been a Democratic staffer, well, hang 'im high.
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  • Well, the last thing any Republican with a shred of sense needs right now is more attention on how shitty…
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  • It's like the victim and her interests and emotions don't even exist. Yeah.  Yeah, it's an awful lot like that.
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  • Big-L Liberty?  Thanks, no, that ain't me.  That's for free-market chumps who want to pay top dollar for every little…
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