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    There's a difference:  "No controlling legal authority" was a blatant legal manipulation akin to protecting oneself from being served a…
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  • Yeah, it's more accurate to note that there's a sizable wing of the Democratic party that's just as eager to…
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  • Notwithstanding that Galston is nominally a Dem, this article is still an attack from the right.  I thought I was…
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  • Actually, they have one defense that I would bet money, if I had any, that we'll be seeing soon:  "We…
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  • Jerk, yes, but probably not stupid.  He's just setting up the GOP defense heading into November, and pushing the debate…
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  • Would have been a great year to run another 50-state strategy, doncha think?
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  • Somehow I don't see this leading to any stories about Ryan being denied Communion, as we saw with Kerry back…
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  • This may be another bit of evidence that puts the lie to the notion that Ryan had already been picked…
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  • Did I miss something?  Did Mittens insist that Ryan withdraw from running for his House seat, much less resign?  Typical…
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  • Reminds me of early stories about the Romney bus circling the parking lot outside Obama rallies and honking the horn.…
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  • At the end of the day, when you weigh your bushel baskets, the fruit from the low branches counts just…
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  • The GOP have been doing their damnedest to make Ryan's policies mainstream as it is.  Up to this point, it's…
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  • I love how this puts Ryan and his policies firmly in the spotlight.  If the Dems can manage to convince…
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  • The Ryan pick really underscores why Romney would be such a terrible president:  time and again he's demonstrated his total…
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  • Now, that's just hurtful.
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  • I'll give you props.  I didn't think Romney would get this desperate, but more importantly, I didn't think that Ryan…
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  • Stop it with these Ryan photos.  He's just plain creepy.  He's like a loris, or at best some weird marsupial.…
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  • I'm thinking it may have been a panic move to soothe the right wing in the wake of the Saul…
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  • He also has a very sympathetic face, and those mesmeric blue eyes.  But even so, the main point is, as…
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  • I thought it said the deadline passed in April.  At any rate, I remembered since then that Joe Liebermann also…
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