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    I hadn't realized it was the cop who was shot "8 or 9 times" who killed Page.  It's astounding, he…
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  • Well, hold on.  Is it an act of war to attempt to damage or destroy a nation's economy?  Can we…
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  • I've been told there are some TED talks on the subject, too.
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  • It'll be interesting too to see what backlash against the GOP War on Women will manifest in Governor's races and…
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  • She also doesn't have a political career to lose by signing onto a losing ticket.  She's a university professor with…
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  • "At least Cantor stood for something..."   Wow.  Just wow.  That is one biting comparison.
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  • It's probably not terribly wise, but I've come to pretty much assume that PBHO will win in November, although I…
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  • Generally I avoid the comments section at The Hill, but today I have to admit it's been fun watching the…
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  • Yep, but hey, they got a shiny new canal and a sculling crew.  That must count for something.  Never mind…
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  • Griswold v Connecticut is going to be a major battleground as all these state-level anti-contraception/abortion lawsuits eventually come to land…
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  • What I know, and what disturbs me heading into November, is how little prepared I was for these factors in…
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  • You probably keep better-informed company than I do.  Not much to work with out here.
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  • If she hasn't yet, you can bet she will.  Probably via Twitter.  Should be good fun.
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  • Mitt Romney has one thing to say:  "Take THAT, Mr President."  And he has 2 groups of people to say…
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  • This story isn't going to hurt Mitt with the low-information voters, for the simple reason that this story is the…
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  • I thought we all knew this already.  Facts and truth don't matter in the GOP war on voters, it's a…
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  • I see a lot of this coming from people on the left, and I think it may have something to…
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  • That's the real trouble with Romney.  If he actually attained the office, he'd be a complete reed in the wind…
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  • The trouble with George, as I've heard it explained, is not that he was born in Mexico, it's that prior…
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  • I never could be too disappointed in Webb, seeing as he came along to get us a badly needed Senate…
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