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    That's what makes him the perfect standard-bearer for the GOP:  they never make a case supporting themselves, they just tear…
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  • The problem with the new ad isn't that it's based on a bad strategy--not necessarily, anyway--it's just not that well…
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  • I'd like to see an aggressive ad targeted to point #4 above.
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  • Fired at the very least.  And he ought to squirm in an Secret Service interview to determine how serious his…
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  • Where's Darrell Issa?  Surely he'll be opening an investigation any day now...
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  • Crist.  You had me doing a spit-take there for a second.
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  • Classy Reince Priebus, too.
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  • I think the standard answer now is that the President, knowing there won't be any deals made with the GOP…
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  • Atrios writes with regularity?  8 years ago I used to read him avidly, but then his blog posts dwindled to…
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  • Nobody's exempt from taxes.  You might ask though if a single-payer system would pay for Chinese herbal medicine treatments--in the…
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  • "Implies" is correct.  "Infer" is what you do when you think you see an implied meaning in something. This from…
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  • I'm reminded yet again that I need to see A Face in the Crowd, although it might be a trick…
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  • Is the penalty enforced either way?  My last best understanding was that the IRS isn't coming after "deadbeats" even if…
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  • I don't have a great deal of experience in the matter, but I did get hit (and damn near killed)…
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  • That's a big problem that I haven't heard much mention of so far.  We (in a very broad use of…
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  • Yeah, and that seems to be the main point that Booman is making in this post.  
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  • Thanks THD for a time-consuming and thoughtful reply.  You make a lot of undeniable points.  I have to admit, I…
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  • What is Bushism without war? Because you know Romney is running straight to Iran if he wins.  He might not…
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  • The purging of the remaining Blue Dogs from the Democratic Party is one of the other preconditions. Then a pre-precondition…
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  • That's the question we've all been asking ourselves since the Dems took the House in '006, isn't it?  Who knows…
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