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    The trouble with impeachment is that it boils down to politics instead of justice, at least if you're the modern…
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  • I'm reminded of a point that occurred to me the other day here:  didn't the ABA have a customary role…
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  • Sorry, not intending to get carried away with the sideshow, I get the point of the post.  I think in…
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  • I remember feeling horrified when I heard Tony Snow had cancer back in '07 or whenever it was.  I thought…
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  • Reminds me of an admonition that I believe Jefferson and Adams discussed frequently in their correspondence in later life, the…
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  • I read a day or two ahead of the decision announcement that insurance stocks were down in anticipation of the…
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  • Blogging Atrios-style?  Is that where people with pseudo-Greek names about whose opinions nobody cares fill in for you?
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  • Relieved, but wary.  This law is a major advance in the cause of, well, humanity, and as far as it…
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  • I see it.  I meant in that statement that the insurance cos would have 30-50 million new enrollees, so in…
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  • At which point precisely did I declare this "a victory for the insurance industry?"
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  • I'm with you on this one, I count today as a victory.  I don't think the ACA is awesome, as…
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  • FWIW, I'm happy about today's SCOTUS decision.  I was asking the other Joe a set of specific questions about his…
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  • So who do you think won today?  I ask that in all seriousness, no snark nor other nasty intentions.  I…
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  • People fail to take into account just how conservative Kennedy's record has been.  Those of us on the left who…
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  • I don't see how you take a victory lap on this decision when a few hours ago your position was…
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  • Holy crap, watching CNN flashed me to "Dewey Defeats Truman!!"
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  • I hope that comes across as the compliment it was intended to be.
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  • In all seriousness, you seem to do your best writing about Bruce Springsteen.
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  • That's not an asteroid on the horizon, it's an obese malignant tumor with complications from type II diabetes and toxic…
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  • Wasn't there a series of hugely expensive ads in CA featuring a woman "doctor" arguing against hiking taxes on cigarettes?…
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