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    McAuliffe was the first name that leapt to my mind in the challenge, too, but then I realized he was…
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  • This is the part that gets me.  Clearly Clinton will have those connections if she's interested, but aside from her,…
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  • Comes back to the original stipulation that the candidate have the connections necessary to compete.  Certainly Obama has shown her…
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  • Agreed re Biden.  He's never been a popular candidate for President on his own merits, and he's maintained a low…
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  • I don't mean to wander OT here, but when was the last time anybody in this room admitted to making…
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  • I made the exact same point made in the article that this thread links to.  You can stomp and cry…
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  • I tried polling this sentence to friends, but only got 2 responses, both from university graduates in degree discplines requiring…
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  • What about armed police forces?  My read on the standing army argument has been for roughly the last couple decades…
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  • My post wasn't addressed to Booman, you dolt, it was addressed to criticism I received for making this exact same…
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  • What?  Mitt Romney and Bain Capital and taxes and stuff.  We won already.  Who gives a shit about the temperature…
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  • Apparently he's pushing the fake "Obama sez you didn't do what you did" theme to Olympic athletes:  http://thinkprogress.org/election/2012/07/23/565491/romney-to-olympians-you-didnt-get-here-solely-on -your-own/
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  • This may be a proving ground for just how genuine Bachmann's mania is.  Clearly she's proven that she knows what's…
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  • Her attack on Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff has brought condemnation from John McCain, Marco Rubio, her former campaign…
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  • Thirty mass murders in 32 years is around an average of one a year -- even though you know copycatting…
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  • There is something very strange about how law enforcement is doing counter-terrorism. Incompetence, lack of coordination, lack of resources, corporate…
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  • I don't see why we can't make it a little more difficult to acquire firearms in the first place, while…
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  • Likely, situations that make this big a splash in the news are not preventable.  They make a big splash in…
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  • I hadn't realized until I looked it up just now that Lyndon Larouche finally threw in the towel in '008.…
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  • I don't know what all kinds of theories about mental disorders are floating around out there today in the wake…
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  • It's not idiotic to take mental health and our approach to it in our culture as a factor deserving of…
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