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    Closest thing to a viable third party candidate I've heard of there was from the Mountain Party.  Essentially you're up…
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  • And the aqueducts.
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  • Ah.  Never mind.
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  • So have we determined yet if Ryan can still run for his House seat while running for VP?  It'd be…
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  • Will the words "October surprise" for once be connected to an event with positive consequences?  It's too much to hope…
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  • But never pays for it.
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  • If they want a roster of speakers, best bet is to scrape from the CPAC barrel.  It's not like the…
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  • Makes me think, veep short list.  Should be on the roster somewhere but not yet announced.
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  • Pearl-clutching can have consequences too, though, if the ad in question is sufficiently flawed in how it appeals to those…
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  • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/08/mitt-romney-death-squads-bain_n_1710133.html?utm_hp_ref=mos tpopular
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  • In this century.
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  • Or a laurel and hearty handshake.
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  • Uh-oh.  Lieberman would do it, too.  And, unlike most of the rest of the GOP VP stable, he'd have nothing…
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  • Colorado is most definitely not over.  It astonishes me that you could state that with such assurance.  We don't even…
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  • In normal times, Charlie Crist would be running at the top of the GOP ticket.  As it is, he's flirting…
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  • Veteran's(sic) of Bush's foreign policy team are discredited. Yeah, but discredited to whom?  We're talking about the GOP voting base…
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  • Well this is touching.  Apparently I have fan.
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  • I was just trying to track back where I got the mental association of Coptic Christianity with marijuana usage.  It…
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  • F/P.  Thanks for the correction.
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