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    Under normal conditions I'd go along with the argument that changing Senate rules by simple majority vote every time the…
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  • Spoken like Stone himself.  "Took a bullet for democracy," did he?
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  • Odd to say the least.  Reading his bio immediately reminded me of E. Howard Hunt, in terms of personality quirks…
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  • Thanks for the link.  That's some interesting reading.  The article says Stone hates elites, so maybe his motivation is a…
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  • Egads.  Shades of O'keefe.
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  • Isn't Stone one of the founding members of Citizens United?  Only at the time of founding, they called themselves Citizens…
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  • You didn't suppose Romney and Netanyahu spent all their time in closed-door meetings discussing moving the US embassy to Jerusalem,…
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  • A point I forgot to make above:  as with the Bush outrage overload, all Mitt has to do is keep…
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  • I was kinda wondering about the MS angle.  I've heard it can accelerate under high stress, but have no idea…
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  • The magnitude of the basic deceit that is the Romney/Ryan campaign has grown so large that it presents a problem…
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  • Hm.  PUMAs.  You know, it's amazing to look back and see just how much water has flowed under the bridge…
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  • I've never understood all the previous speculation that Biden would be dropped in favor of Clinton.  He's a perfect complement…
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  • So now that the offer has been rejected, what's the strategy going forward?  Repeat the same offer all over the…
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  • Meanwhile, R/R have just lost DevoAmericans:
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  • Well, you have to remember who we're dealing with; it takes brains to plan a realistic attempt like that. Tell…
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  • Romney's recent round of rhetoric goes beyond unbelievable lying, it's also highly irresponsible, and perhaps even dangerous.  This whole notion…
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  • Thank God for the Vogons.
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  • "Carl's Jr 2012:  Fuck You, I'm Eating."
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  • Not to mention, "Obama was going to veto it anyway" is in keeping with the GOP strategy of painting him…
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  • No doubt, the true fire breathers among the teabaggers will double down and stand with the Ryan Plan even as…
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