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    I suspect you're right.
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  • Right.  My bad.  It's a hell of an analogy, one way or the other.
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  • Try not to be too distracted about the Coptic inclusion.  It was just an example to illustrate a larger point.…
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  • Hatred?  That's some pretty strong tea you're brewing.  What do you mean, specifically?  "Religious hatred," or just "hatred?"  Fwiw, I…
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  • Right.  If Mitt has the barest hope of squeaking by the GOP xtian fundie base, his best and surest hope…
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  • Ah yes, here we go:  Mormonism is essentially retroactive Christianity.  As interpreted by viewing certain no-longer-existing golden plates through a…
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  • My understanding of tithing is that it's based on gross income.  As such, it can be a pretty big chunk,…
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  • All I'm talking about is that the word "tithe" means literally to set aside a tenth part of one's income…
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  • They were probably talking about this.
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  • I think this is a red herring.  If you chase down the various permutations of this theory, they invariably lead…
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  • ^hoardes.
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  • Bottom line:  Mormon cooties.   This is a nation that arguably couldn't elect a Catholic (if you adhere to the…
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  • I'm not the one to tell you.  I think they have a spot in Religulous.  If that's you, then, sweeeeet.…
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  • I don't think money is so much his faith, I think it's his culture.  It reminded me of a quote…
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  • I had a couple philosphy courses in university in which I heard Coptic Christianity dismissed as a modern attempt to…
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  • Isn't Mittens still nominally pro-choice?  I have to admit, I haven't checked up on his beliefs in this regard for…
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  • Bearing in mind, of course, that "tithe" literally means to pay 10%, which is well under all the tax rates…
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  • Thus far, no.  This is like the right-wing impetus that forced Obama to give his historic address on race relations,…
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  • OK, that makes more sense.  I was reading from the Yahoo-GMA story the pundit quoted: Page was shot and killed…
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  • And all the discussion of homosexual Nazi satanist socialists (because apparently Nazis were left-wing socialists) is just...woooow. Eh, I was…
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