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    Didn't the VA Tech shooter buy his hardware on credit?
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  • Not in the mood to make any bets here, just saying, I won't be surprised in the least to discover…
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  • I haven't heard any speculation on it yet, but it wouldn't be any great stretch of credulity.  Those things are…
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  • This may turn out not to be a factor in this particular shooting, but I'd be surprised if we don't…
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  • And don't think for a moment that if Hillary had won, she wouldn't be dealing with unprecedented levels of insane…
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  • Skiiing is great fun, but mind that snow-plow maneuver.  Great way to...never mind.  Your knees will be just fine.
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  • And John McCain is now and evermore an outstanding douchebag, sellout, quisling, pick your favorite term for his lack of…
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  • Looking at the shitstorm that's erupted among the Reavorpublicans in re the new Batman movie and PBHO's supposed remarks about…
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  • Very sorry to read this today.  I'm not a fount of health tips or info, but one thing I have…
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  • Maybe Kissinger was busy?
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  • Classy=smart, in this context.  You DID notice my parenthetical insert up there, didn't you?
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  • As we've come to expect from Bachmann, this more closely resembles six degrees Fahrenheit of excess fever in the brain…
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  • Not sure if that's quite the whole explanation, but you raise a good point:  Mitt "Kolob" Romney isn't exactly the…
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  • If you're referring to my remarks, I didn't blame any of that stuff on President Obama.  I blamed our idiotic…
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  • Burns.  The stupid burns.  Hearkens back to the Wicked Witch of the West getting water thrown in her face.  
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  • I don't mean to be a total killjoy.  I grok schadenfreude as well as anybody, I reckon, and Team Romney…
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  • Not at all.  I'm more terrified than ever.  But I include environmental pollution, extinction, global climate change and Fukushima under…
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  • Jeb is precisely the kind of guy who stands to lose a contest in '012 against an incumbent when he…
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  • They're straight-up saying that Romney's hiding something so devastating that he's unelectable. They just want to disassociate themselves from him…
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  • I would be too, but I remember what the MSM did to rewrite debate history with Gore v Bush.  They…
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