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    From what I've heard and read, whatever gains Romney is making with women seems to do with economic concerns.  Again…
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  • Via Taegan Goddard, a batch of the latest swing state polls, for those of us junkies who know better but…
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  • 2 random thoughts: This is the party that turned the concept of "community organizing" into a one-liner. IOKIYAR.  God help…
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  • My first computer was a Sinclair ZX-80.  I'd spend hours typing in BASIC code to play "nibble the cheese" and…
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  • I suggest that the first party to seriously take up the idea of protecting people's online privacy from corporations and…
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  • Actually, I think "fashionable" does a great deal to explain what motivates swing voters.  As others have discussed here on…
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  • I'm not sure it was economic interest so much as Bush fatigue.  The Republican brand was so toxic that even…
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  • Hah! well, I can't really argue your point there.  This here internet really is a magical place, when you come…
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  • You are correct only if the majority of whites vote against their own economic interests - i.e. vote racism or…
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  • I'm willing to err on the side of charity and assume the "fashionable" aspect isn't all that weighty.  Rather, I…
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  • Another aspect of that, I think, is that on the left end of the spectrum we tend to require an…
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  • After watching CNN insist on spinning the Biden/Ryan debate as a draw, I think it's probably more important for Obama…
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  • That was the first thing I thought of, too.  Here's one iteration of that story.  It does complicate the picture…
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  • I'm 40.  When I hear this line about 55 and over not having their SocSec benefits changed, I get the…
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  • I hate to keep harping on CNN coverage here, but it's all I get here and Wolf Blitzer needs to…
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  • Those last questions, starting with the Catholic/abortion thing, were awful.  Unfortunately, that was about the point when I got home…
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  • CNN polling consistently goes to Ryan on all the specific issues, like likability, qualified to be president, etc.  John King…
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  • I'm waiting to see the verdict from women.  CNN so far is saying Ryan came out ahead there, and as…
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  • That was weird. I thought she was about to start crying while she was asking the question.
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  • Seems to be the consensus CNN is pushing, that the whole thing was equally good for both sides, no clear…
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