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    I've seen an overlay of the base locations and oil fields... can't remember where, or whose post. They do line…
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  • The scariest thing about that letter is that if you changed just a few details and reversed the intention, it…
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  • Merci, Jerome!   On the topic of terrorism and Iran, you are one of the FIRST and FEW people who…
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  • Ah..... (reading updates)   Well, Booman can keep the hug, and pass on all the good wishes, because such things…
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  • Sending best wishes and a long-distance hug -- Hope Booman is back and feeling better soon!  
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  • Of course, one of the reasons for the lower birthrate among native women, both single and married, is a far…
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  • I've been wanting to read The Red Tent, I got it for my mom for Christmas one year and she…
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  • We could get a whole long discussion going on that topic... (though I haven't done the historical research  on that…
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  • Not entirely correct. The Quo'ran does not specifically call for women to hide everything but their faces -- it calls…
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  • Whedon is one of the best writers of female characters in all of television -- from Buffy to Firefly. Not…
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  • And probably none of our news reports has mentioned that Chavez did not attempt to silence or control this station…
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  • So what's the most people YOU'VE ever been in a hot tub with?  ðŸ™‚ (Um... I think it was five…
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  • There seems to be this widespread belief, especially in either the religious right communities, but also among many people in…
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  • There is quite a lot of opposition to the proposed hydrocarbon law within Iraq, in fact. This is why a…
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  • An old trick but useful when your ideas cannot withstand criticism coming from a level playing field. Republicans can't win…
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  • Good point on the leadership issue -- granted, getting a bunch of Democratic Party politicians to hang together on ANY…
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  • Had they gone on recess without a bill?  Hmm.. As sick as it sounds, I could even see Bush taking…
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  • Thank you for taking the time to read the actual bill and setting the record straight. There were some reasons,…
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  • Amen. BTW, Stormbear, I really like this series you've been doing this week -- giving voices to those who can…
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  • What's interesting is the way they described the protestors.... makes them sound almost, you know, like liberals.   But it…
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