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    Good question... though I think there's something to be said for speaking the truth, even if it's not popular with…
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  • Oh, where do I begin...? Subsidize solar panels and a range of other energy-producing and saving measures so that they…
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  • Iraq needs a national reconciliation project. America needs a national truth project. That is exactly it, bingo. That is exactly…
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  • Hah!  Wall Street knows what the fundementalists won't admit -- that even for Americans who don't like the idea of…
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  • Heh!   Al Wynn saw the light last September when he almost lost the primary by the skin of his…
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  • I don't think it's so much that "he must have had a good reason..." -- unless the friend/relative actually witnessed…
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  • The game plan being "Get that hydrocarbon law passed OR ELSE!".... It's the only benchmark that matters, as far as…
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  • So they're figuring out that people don't buy it when McCaine and others go on their little photo-ops (accompanied by…
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  •  I Go Pogo.  Zoo -- where the BIG POOTIES are!  And the Ssssnakes!  and Pandas!  And children!  And squirrels and…
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  • The truly funny thing was that (according to the comments below the post), the petition apparently then asks for a…
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  • Ooh, I haven't been to the zoo in ages....  
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  • Although to be fair to Hilary, I'm sure she does watch her weight and choose her clothes carefully -- she's…
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  • And then we can all bake cookies!!! ::rolling eyes:: It won't work, Hilary.  Just be YOURSELF. Whether you win or…
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  • Yep, whatever the plan is, just make it CHEAPER than all the healthier alternatives, and our mega-corp food industry will…
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  • Oooh, I've heard of Colbert's speech but have never heard the whole thing, just a few bits.  Will have to…
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  • Oh, I see... he's using Bill Clinton's definition of sex....(as in "I did not have sex with that woman...")...  or…
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  • Nice rebuttal -- and good policy. They really needed to start responding to crap like this. When a caucus as…
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  • Probably not...  but maybe someday in a saner world, those two stalwart young reporters from Knight-Ridder might deserve Pulitzers or…
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  • A lot of those taunts stab at the target's self-image -- something that is often extremely vulnerable, especially in kids…
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  • I believe the hours they state -- and I only got as far as student teaching. When you only have…
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