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    That was my first thought... Armed gunmen (assuming the only way the Guard knew they were armed was what? Did…
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  • Sounds good...  Earmarks aren't necessarily bad things -- they often cover programs that are necessary or beneficial but don't "fit"…
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  • This does echo what soj wrote in her diary about the historical background of conflict in Somalia, though. I highly…
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  • heh -- I know just where that is, I used to work in that building, right at the Navy Memorial.…
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  • Job of a judge... argh...  Need my coffee!
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  • Well, the job of a judged versus a litigator are very different... that's the easy excuse, anyway. I suspect it…
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  • Art and life are mirrors....   nice essay.  Now I am tempted to re-read Dune... such a fascinating, rich book!…
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  • Remember all that talk about "can't back down, that's showing weakness..."?  Where you're supposed to stand up to a bully?…
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  • It seems highly unusual for a navy admiral to take charge of CENTCOM until you consider two interrelated things.  First…
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  • So... looking at the original article.... originally AP talked to two witnesses, one of whom was Capt. Hussein, who reported…
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  • This warning should be posted in all day-care centers.... so parents are able to make that all-important decision: Is it…
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  • It will persist in developing weapons of mass destruction the way lemmings head for the sea or junkies seek a…
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  • Has anyone -- I mean from official American military command -- ever actually tried TALKING to Sadr? You know, like…
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  • Even Kinsey's report indicated that approximately HALF the women he interviewed admitted they had engaged in premarital sex. And that…
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  • Someone please explain to this bozo, using words of two or less syllables so he can't possibly fail to comprehend,…
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  • You would think that when deploying elite special forces in these kinds of operations -- given the high probability of…
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  • It's always seemed to me that PEACE isn't what the neocons want in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, anymore than peace is…
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  • 39.... There are definite gaps in what knowledge I've picked up from research, reading blogs and general news. Excellent quiz,…
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  • Wow. Great questions -- because if you think about them, they're really about very basic stuff. Stuff that you'd think…
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  • Damn straight. We've seen more than enough evidence in the past six years to warrant impeachment -- and it wouldn't…
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