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    Another good reference site, with lots of good resources for victims of all kinds of abuse: www.witnessjustice.org.   (disclaimer: They're…
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  • My concern is that they will allow Foley to sacrifice himself (notice how quickly he resigned, compared to, say, Delay..)…
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  • And here I thought nothing would make me feel more let down or betrayed by my party's elected legislators than…
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  • This keeps feeling like a bad dream... a science fiction novel set in some hypotetical future... not the America I…
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  • Oh,    Silver Spring, MD
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  • Add me when you next update...  Thanks!  ðŸ™‚
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  • You know, to JOKE about bombs or hijacking in an airport or on a plane is a CRIME.  Nobody thinks…
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  • A friend of mine who had a administrative position at University of Colorado/Colorado Springs was once chastized for having "pornography"…
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  • Remember, if it's your birthday, the cake and ice cream have no calories.... Have a very happy birthday!  ðŸ™‚  
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  • CIA agents have seen who got the blame (and the jail sentence) from the Abu Ghraib incidents... and what happened…
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  • Also shaking someone, or face slaps and belly slaps are not necessarily harmless -- it depends where you slap, with…
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  • Wow. Muchas gracias, XicanoPwr, for keeping us up to date on what's going on down in Mexico. It's awe-inspiring to…
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  • I read the entire article -- it was both heartbreaking and enfuriating at once. Good experienced people, people who spoke…
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  • What they said.   The Dem's biggest weakness is they see those poll numbers and then are afraid to say…
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  • Re: McGavick -- That sounds like an echo of the old "welfare queen" approach -- looking for ways to prove…
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  • In Maryland. I didn't even know, or care, that Ben Cardin is Jewish. Too bad others seem to care so…
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  • I think that first hand report is from a precinct in Timonium, which is north of Baltimore.... However, I was…
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  • This is what PROGRESSIVE POLITICS looks like.... Maryland State Senate, District 20 (unoffical tally collected by poll watchers) Ida G.…
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  • Good thoughts... especially on the War on Drugs and terrorism. Wish we could reduce the whole drug thing to a…
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  • Narrative is a tremendously powerful tool; it is communication at many levels, and that's even more true of visual narrative…
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