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    Kids NEED to hear about the emotional side of having relatinships and sex. Not a preachy way -- this abstinence…
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  • Yep, what's happening is that the demand for "organic" products is so high, there's a short supply -- because not…
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  • I saw a news headling -- I think it was the Washington Post -- on my way past the newstand.…
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  • I was thinking that this very morning as I drove past three gas stations where the cheapest gas price was…
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  • It's so good to hear from you again -- and with very good news! ::hugs::   Welcome back to the…
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  • Post Wins 4 Pulitzer Prizes; 2 Go to New Orleans Paper The Washington Post won four Pulitzer Prizes yesterday, including…
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  • A few years ago, we DID have a county-wide lockdown of public schools... for a good reason. That was during…
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  • That image of a circle of dessicated little mouse heads on foot-high pikes is going to haunt me the rest…
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  • I think Congressional salaries should be tied to the federal minimum wage. If it goes up, then theirs can go…
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  • I already live in a high rise with crappy analog reception -- if I wanted to watch even the regular…
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  • Signed. It's so much easier to slap a magnetic ribbon on one's SUV and call it "supporting the troops" --…
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  • It says something about how low the US has sunk... when Russia is the one willing to provide humanitarian aid...…
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  • So we're going from denying a civil war exists to actually instigating one by letting Shi'a Iraqi troops invade into…
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  • We're working on that in Maryland... Maybe next year. I don't think it made it through the legislature this year.
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  • Frankly, I'd be wary of them saying it even to a child. Because it's a lousy excuse no matter when…
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  • The job of Easter Bunny has gotten to be very dangerous.... (Especially when Easter occurs in March, when all those…
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  • You go, girl.  Rant on!   That ought to strike a chord... especially since Bush is not that popular in…
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  • This may have been reported before, but I just heard of it...   The Plan B morning after pill is…
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  • Oh, yes. Oh, HELL YES...   That is what our platform should be, every last plank of it. And that…
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  • Yes, indeed...   I noticed dripping and a very slight sagging of my bathroom ceiling. I put a bucket under…
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