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    Hollywood has always managed this precarious balancing act between what their creative film-makers (from writers to directors and producers to…
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  • And you can just imagine what his position will be on programs such as the one in Brazil, where sex…
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  • All these reports about Bush's security detail in India reminds me of the contrast between Bush and Clinton when they…
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  • In my email this morning: Science Fiction Author Octavia Butler Dies (MSNBC) SEATTLE - Octavia E. Butler, considered the first…
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  • Best wishes and good luck from down here in Montgomery County! Whoot!
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  • That's what Arthur Silber was saying yesterday. And while Governor Eherlich (Republican) of Maryland and Mayor O'Malley of Baltimore (Democrat,…
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  • Thank you, Ductape, for being one of the handful of voices of reason on this whole uproar...  You, Soj, and…
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  • And of course, the first thing corporate interests do when reaching a position of influence is to do anything they…
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  • I get the impression that Bush's approach to renewable energy is basically this: Nice idea, if it ever pays off.…
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  • I just saw the headlines in the papers at lunch... this wasn't even on the radio this morning (instead we…
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  • At first I thought the cave on Alito was the last straw for me... when if they'd only mustered the…
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  • This "appearance of weakness" excuse is what Bush has been running with for the last five years. I don't notice…
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  • Another real advantage a required "risk advisory" education would provide is that it would allow people taking certain medications (and…
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  • I remember when my grandmother passed away, and we (and the rest of the family) converged on her small West…
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  • To put this into some cultural perspective, consider two other equally volatile issues:  Abortion and prostitution. As we know, some…
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  • Each university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents and each community college under the jurisdiction of a…
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  • The Maryland action is doubtless due to the fact that a judge in MD just threw out the gay marriage…
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  • Whatever the figure, you can bet it wasn't in the President's budget as originally submitted to Congress.... those numbers would…
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  • Another long-term effect of the poisonous Bush Administration -- the deliberate manipulation and sabatoge of government agencies that for decades…
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  • The federal employees just went through their "open season" -- when their healthcare plans are up for renewal and insurance…
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