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    My roommate's brother-in-law has extensive family in Beruit -- he says that Israeli fighter jets used to routinely fly over…
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  • I live in a very liberal district in Maryland (DC metro suburbs) where the Democrats outnumber Republicans about 2 to…
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  • That is positively obscene, to disqualify servers from earning even the current paltry minimum wage because "well, they get tips"...…
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  • It's been my general observation that most people do not see themselves as doing something "immoral" -- even when others…
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  • If I recall correctly... statistically, the greater majority of children who are victims of sexual predators did not encounter their…
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  • I've been thinking a lot lately about the three mentioned at the beginning of the Declaration of Independence...  Life, Liberty…
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  • So they're telling us (well, telling the Demoocrats in Connecticut in particular, but all Lamont-supporters across the country also) that…
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  • That's why it has never surprised me that Europeans in general are far, far less eager to resort to military…
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  • So much is going to hell at at one time, I think for a lot of us, we need to…
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  • Because of their historical and emotional associations, these words have become rather like lingustical trump cards -- used to sweep…
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  • It seems to me what she's surrendered -- or tried to -- is her burden of guilt. By claiming that…
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  • Reminds me of the "good old days" when RCA records only played on RCA victrolas. That didn't last long...
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  • 644 W. Belmont -- that's on the south end of Boystown, where a lot of the gay bars and other…
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  • There are several good articles on it over at www.commondreams.org. House Rejects Net Neutrality No Tolls on the Internet And…
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  • I guess that what's happening is that in a few states (so far), that DOMA is in fact, being ruled…
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  • So, based on his responses in the press conference, the reason they want a constitutional amendment is that those pesky…
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  • I found the expanded Bateman quote above to be extremely right on pitch. War is savage by its very nature,…
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  • Thank you so much.  If the Democratic Part cannot -- or will not -- support a woman's control over the…
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  • Then there were the reports of American women soldiers dying of dehydration... they'd stop drinking water or anything else after…
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  • And Maryland just passed a law that required large employers in the state (10,000 or more employees) to provide certain…
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