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    Maryland.... Straight Dem, most of whom I can even feel good about, except for Al Wynn. He will win anyway...…
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  • They didn't act like they needed Montgomery County either... Most of the work on campaigning came from the local Dem…
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  • I'm not surprised that Bush doesn't value critical thinking, or learning how to learn.... those are skills he apparently never…
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  • That sounds like utter bullshit to me. I've seen lots of computer errors, but I've never seen a computer do…
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  • The ironic thing is that in the places where democracy IS "breaking out" in the Middle East, the people tend…
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  • What's interesting in the description of hiring practices is that it's set up so that a high employee turnover actually…
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  • Hospitals and businesses both...  right now the trend in business and benefit management is to put as much of the…
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  • Given their usual approach to getting individuals suspected of having useful information to talk to them is to kidnap them,…
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  • I suspect the "mistranslation" story is intended for the domestic audience... so that if his actual words get quoted in…
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  • He comes across really well in that commercial -- straightforward, plain-talking, let's clean up the mess. And the tag line…
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  • .... I lost it at "shadow party leader George Soros..." Sigh. It would be far easier to dismiss this kind…
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  • Technically, corporations ARE supposed to check for proof of legal residency or citizenship... a signed form swearing that the HR…
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  • That's the best news I've heard all week... I've been worried about her!  
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  • The odd thing is.... someone told me (she is still registered as a Republican even though the last time she…
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  • No kidding....   I see a lot of discussion and educational programs in the health benefits industry  about "educating consumers"…
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  • The Bush Admin. had been ignoring the lessons of history and basic common sense for six years now... and the…
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  • China might be difficult -- though I believe nothing is impossible. Mexico, however... American corporations have already outsourced a fair…
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  • So if Bill Nelson beats her and keeps his seat (as looks highly likely), that means it was NOT God's…
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  • Good discussion...  I'm almost afraid to get my hopes up for November, though indications are looking better every day. But…
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  • "Cub Scout GI Joe fantasy" -- heh!  I like that. Sums it up just perfectly. It's the whole "playing at…
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