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    I am getting a surprising amount of mail from her campaign -- this early in the cycle, too.  She's got…
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  • Does seem to be a contradiction, doesn't it... Sadly, the women in the military seem at much greater risk from…
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  • Heh!  Well, he'd certainly never be BORING.... bet he'd tell the truth at press conferences too. What a concept.
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  • My observation has been that both parties are always looking for new ways to increase the voter turnout... of THEIR…
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  • Y'know.... the last time an army walked around a city's walls for seven days in silence, then blew their rams'…
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  • yep, exactly!   America is a little girl in the grocery store asking her mother (who is wearing a headscarf…
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  • I should HOPE you're offended by it. It's about as offensive as it gets.  And absurd.   Personally, I think…
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  • You just remember that when people are insecure, they'd rather have somebody who's strong and wrong than somebody who's weak…
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  • I'm still hoping for Gore. WISHING for Gore. If Gore isn't on the primary ballot when the time comes.... Well,…
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  • No, Edwards didn't fire them. But he didn't stand up for them either, and that gave the clear signal that…
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  • And THIS, boys and girls, is the system that the Bush Administration wishes to replace Social Security with... one in…
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  • THANK YOU for mentioning Arthur Silber...  he is always a great read (if not an easy one -- you have…
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  • My only thought was... weren't those things written BEFORE either Amanda or Melissa went to work for him?  They did…
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  • Oh.  Good.  GRIEF.   Like the advertisers' checks were going to bounce over this? Like people didn't gather at friends'…
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  • Thank you, Shirl!  ::hugs::
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  • Amen!  Al Gore has leadership qualities that Bush cannot possibly hope to achieve.  Credibility. Respect. A BRAIN and facile command…
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  • Hey -- I didn't see this mythical hat anywhere!  Where were you hiding it?   Back from the march --…
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  • All of the above. But fortunately, Senator Jim Webb is doing the rebuttal, and he is sharp. Now if Bush…
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  • Amen...   Damn, what a clever cartoon! because who has to handle the baggage she's got?  The same activist GOTV…
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  • In ancient times, the sacrifice would have had to be of royal blood... Good thing we don't have royalty in…
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