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    I've come to the conclusion that what "affordable housing" means to most local governments (even in my county, where Democrats…
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  • Amen.  Every time I hear that number, I think of that... there were 33.  I hadn't seen the background until…
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  • It might have been better, if she was going to leak something, to leak something where he was abusive to…
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  • States' rights are held up high when it comes to the right to, say, ban all abortions, or restrict them…
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  • Merely a technical problem....  The strip is always worth clicking on to read at full size!
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  • Your cartoon image is always too small for me to read, I always click on it to go to your…
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  • Your story is so very close to someone else I know and care very much about.  She never told us…
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  • And now for users of the most common and effective non-prescription decongestant, pseudophedrine, too.   Allergy and cold sufferers must…
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  • Jesus saved his wrath for hypocrites in the theocratic establishment -- those who believed they were more righteous because they…
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  • I think the front-pagers we have here are totally awesome.  (and I miss Susan too, though I'm glad she's at…
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  • Good morning! (Been a while since I dropped in at the cafe, so thought it would be nice to say…
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  • This idea makes me very uncomfortable...  it's treating the SYMPTOMS, but not the CAUSE. The brain is already capable of…
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  • Thank you. Yes, you are absolutely right on the mark. There's nothing quite like the feeling of sickening fear you…
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  • Sigh....  For Markos, I think this is simply another manifestation of the same lack of empathy/sensitivity he's shown before for…
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  • That was my thought...  When his daughter comes to him in tears someday, or is afraid to go somewhere or…
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  • Yeah, well.... we knew to expect this from Casey. Can't say it's a surprise, after all.  There are certain issues…
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  • Yeah, that's how Bush has gotten by his entire life.... someone else always stepping in to save his bacon when…
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  • Or maybe she's just doing whatever she can to forestall this Administration from thinking it has sufficient excuse to escalate…
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  • Criminal negligence.  That's what this is. Sending young soldiers into a high-stress, high-adrenaline danger zone, armed with automatic weaponry, without…
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  • So long as the American consumer does not connect the lower prices they demand with the fact that their jobs…
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